Trostruki čokoladni tart + rođendansko darivanje

{Please scroll down to English version}

Hrana je oduvijek bila posebni dio mog života. 
Volim ukusna, konkretna jela, no uvijek me zanima što se nudi za desert.

Kako su godine prolazile i sve sam više vremena provodila na internetu, naišla sam na divnu vrstu ljudi - obožavatelji hrane ili tzv. svakodnevni gurmani. 
Ti su isti gurmani svoju ljubav i strast pretvorili u blog, gdje s čitateljima nesebično dijele sve što vole jesti i što su naučili. 

Divila sam im se, slinila na njihovim fotografijama hrane i isprobavala njihove recepte. 
I to sve do jednog trenutka gdje se nisam odvažila te prestala vagati opcije 'za' i 'protiv'.
Naravno, riječ je o mojoj maloj avanturi zvana blog. :)

Prva godina bloga brzo je proletjela i zaista sam uživala u njoj. 

Hvala vam što me čitate, što dijelite moj blog s dragim ljudima, što si uzmete vremena i ostavite mi komentar. Hvala vam! 

Da nema vas ne bi bilo ni mojeg bloga. Zbilja! Da vas nema, bila bih samo luđakinja koja priča sama sa sobom. 

Što se dogodilo u prvih 365 dana bloga?

Četiri objavljena recepta na Foodgawkeru.

Preko 39 tisuća pogleda bloga te preko 900 lajkova na FB profilu

No najviše cijenim vaše fotografije i komentare. Nemojte se stidjeti. ;)
A iza kulisa tu je bilo: 
planiranja, mozganja, neuspjelih recepata, 
pokušaja fotkanja, smijeha i suza, finih slastica, recepata iz glave,
 +5 kilograma na vagi te mnoštvo ideja čiji broj raste iz dana u dan.

Veselim se novoj godini bloga te svim zgodama i nezgodama. Nadam se da ćete i dalje uživo pratiti. ;)

Trostruko čokoladni tart

 po receptu Mary Berry

175 g brašna
25 g šećera u prahu
2 žlice kakaa
100 g ohlađenog maslaca
prstohvat soli
1 žumanjak
2 žličice hladne vode

Maslac izrežite na manje kockice i stavite u hladnjak da se dobro ohladi.
Prosijte brašno, kakao i šećer u prahu. Dodajte sol.

Palcem i kažiprstom stiskajte maslac u brašno dok ne dobijete mrvičastu smjesu nalik krušnim mrvicama. Ako su vam prsti pretopli ili temperatura u kuhinji  prevelika, posudu sa sastojcima stavite nakratko u hladnjak, a prste držite pod mlazom hladne vode. 

Nakon toga dodajte jedan žumanjak sobne temperature i jednu žličicu hladne vode te miješajte prstima.
Ako vam je potrebno, dodajte još jednu žličicu vode. 

Sve sastojke povežite u jednu loptu, umotajte u prozirnu foliju i ostavite da se ohladi barem pola sata u hladnjaku.
Tijesto razvaljajte između dva lista papira za pečenje. 
Neka bude većeg promjera nego kalup u kojem ćete peći. 
Tijesto pažljivo namotajte preko valjka za tijesto i prebacite u kalup.

Pažljivo spustite tijesto na cijelu površinu dna kalupa. Zatim otkinite dio viška tijesta te s njim ugurajte tijesto u rub kalupa. Pazite da tijesto nigdje nema rupica ili pukotina.
Izbodite dno tijesta s vilicom kako se tijekom pečenja ne bi podiglo.

Preko tijesta stavite papir za pečenje i na njega puno keramičkih kuglica ili grah te stavite na 10 minuta u hladnjak. 

Tijesto stavite peći u zagrijanu pećnicu na 180° C te pecite 10 minuta. Zatim izvadite papir za pečenje s njegovim sadržajem i pecite još 10-12 minuta.

Oštrim nožem pažljivo odrežite višak tijesta i ostavite da se ohladi.
Tamna krema

200 ml slatkog vrhnja
200 g tamne čokolade Callebaut "Select"
50 g maslaca
1 žličica meda
1 mahuna vanilije

U posudu dodajte čokoladu, maslac narezan na kockice i med.

Slatko vrhnje stavite u posudu na srednju vatru. Mahunu vanilije prerežite i tupom stranom noža odstranite sjemenke vanilije te ih ubacite u slatko vrhnje.
Slatko vrhnje zagrijte dok se ne počnu pojavljivati mjehurići. Skinite s vatre te prelijte preko čokolade, maslaca i meda. Ostavite 2-3 minute da odstoji te potom spatulom promiješajte dok se sve ne istopi.

Kremu prelijte u ohlađeno tijesto u kalupu. Stavite u hladnjak da se ohladi na 30-ak minuta.

Mliječna krema

200 ml slatkog vrhnja
200 g mliječne čokolade
50 g maslaca
1 žličica meda
1 mahuna vanilije

Ponovite isti postupak kao za tamnu kremu. Mliječnu kremu izlijte na tamnu te stavite na par sati u hladnjak.
Šiljci od lješnjaka i karamele

200 g šećera
12-16 blanširanih lješnjaka

Posudu stavite na laganu vatru te kada se zagrije, dodajte šećer. Držite šećer na oku, no nemojte ga ničim miješati da ne oksidira.

S vremena na vrijeme podignite posudu i vrtite je kako bi se šećer ravnomjerno otopio.
U međuvremenu, pažljivo nabodite lješnjake na čačkalice. Pazite da ne zabodete preduboko, jer će lješnjak puknuti.
Pripremite masni papir koji ćete staviti na pod da ne napravite nered. I ljepljivu traku s kojom ćete pričvrstiti čačkalice na kraju kuhinjskog elementa.
Ili možete, kao ja, pripremiti mali komad stiropora pa čačkalice zabadati u stiropor.

Kada se šećer otopio i poprimio jantarnu boju, uzmite čačkalice i umočite lješnjake kako bi se ravnomjerno prekrili karamelom.
Ostavite karamelizirane lješnjake da se stvrdnu, pa sa škarama skratite šiljke.

'Šiljke' stavite na svaki komad tarta i servirajte na sobnoj temperaturi.

Možete i svoje frustracije istresti na tart i dobro se zabaviti kao mi na slikama ispod.

Rođendansko darivanje

Od slinog uzbuđenja oko prvog rođendana bloga, pokrala mi se greška koju sam tek sada uvidjela. :D 

Naime, htjela sam da nagradna igra traje tjedan dana,a ne jedan dan. 
Sukladno tome, nagradna igra se produžuje do subote, 24.10.2015 do 23:59h.  
Objava dobitnika je u nedjelju, 25.10.2015.

Nagradna igra traje do srijede, 14.10.2015 do 23:59h.
Objava dobitnika je u četvrtak, 15.10.2015.
Dobitnika/cu će odabrati

Za sudjelovanje u nagradnoj igri trebate:
  1. stisnuti 'Like' na stranicu Cutie and pie
  2. stisnuti 'Share' na FB postu za nagradnu igru i u opcijama staviti PUBLIC kako bih ga mogla vidjeti
  3. napisati ispod posta* na FB svoj mail i odgovor na pitanje: 
    ˝Koji vam se post najviše svidio i zašto?˝

    *NAPOMENA: Ako nemate FB profil, onda samo ostavite svoj mail i odgovor na pitanje ispod ovog posta.
    Svoje podatke ostavite SAMO na FB ili na blogu. 
    Nepotpune  ili dvostruke prijave neće se uzimati u obzir.

    Nagrada je rastezljivi obruč za torte koji i sama posjedujem.
    Raspon je od 16 do 30 cm, a visina mu je 8.5 cm.
    U velikoj sam gužvi ovih dana, pa sam vam poklon uslikala samo mobitelom. Obruč je originalno zapakiran. 

    Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.

    Dobar tek,

    {You're at the English version}

    Food was always a special part of my life.
    I like tasty, real meals, but I'm always interested in what's offered for dessert.

    As the years passed, I spent more and more time on the internet, and I stumbled upon a wonderful kind of people – food lovers, or the so-called, every day gourmet eaters.

    Those same people turned their love and passion into a blog where they selflessly share everything they like to eat and what they've learned with their readers.

    I admired them, I drooled over their food photographs and I tried out their recipes.
    And all up until a moment I grew bold and stopped weighing the 'pros' and 'cons'.

    Of course, I'm talking about my little adventure called the blog. :)

    The first year quickly flew by and I really enjoyed it.

    Thank you for reading me, sharing my blog with kind people, and for taking time and leaving me a comment. Thank you!

    If it weren't for you, this blog wouldn't be either. I'm serious! If it weren't for you, I would just be a nutcase talking to myself.

    What happened in the first 365 days of this blog?

    Four recipes featured on Foodgawker.

    Over 39 thousand blog views and over 900 likes on the FB profile

    But what I appreciate the most are your photographs and your comments. Don't be shy. ;)

    What was going on behind the scenes:
    planning, braining, failed recipes, photoshoot tryouts, 
    laughter and tears, tasty treats, made up recipes, 
    +5 kilograms on the scale and a lot of ideas which only keep growing.

    I'm looking forward to the blog's new year and all the future fortunes and misfortunes. I hope you will still follow it. :)

    Triple Chocolate Tart

    The pastry
     adapted from  Mary Berry

    175 g of flour
    25 g confectioner's sugar
    2 spoons of cocoa
    200 g cooled butter
    a pinch of salt
    1 egg yolk
    2 teaspoons of cold water
    Cut the butter into smaller cubes and put it in the fridge to cool well. Sift the flour and the confectioner's sugar. Add the salt.

    Push the butter with your index finger and thumb into the flour until you get a crumbly mixture, like breadcrumbs. If your fingers are too warm or if the temperature in the kitchen is too high, put the bowl with the ingredients into the fridge for a short time, and keep your fingers under a stream of cold water.

    After that, add one room temperature egg yolk and one teaspoon of cold water, and mix with your fingers. If necessary, add another teaspoon of water.

    Mix all the ingredients into a shape of a ball, wrap it in cling foil and leave it to cool for at least half an hour in the fridge.
    Spread the pastry between two baking sheets.
    Make it bigger than the cake pan you're going to bake it in.
    Wrap the pastry carefully over the rolling pin and put it into the cake pan.

    Carefully place the pastry at the bottom of the pan. Then tear away the excess and with it push the pastry into the edge of the pan. Make sure the pastry doesn't have holes or cracks anywhere.
    Poke the bottom of the pastry with a fork so it doesn't rise during baking

    Put a sheet of baking paper over the pastry, and onto it a lot of ceramic balls or beans, and put it in the fridge for 10 minutes.

    Put the pastry into the pre-heated oven, at 180°C and bake for 10 minutes. Then take out the baking paper with all of its contents and bake for another 10 to 12 minutes.

    Carefully cut away the pastry excess with an edge of the knife and leave it to cool.

    Dark cream

    200 ml of whipping cream
    200 g of dark  Callebaut "Select" chocolate
    50 g of butter
    1 teaspoon of honey

    1 vanilla pod

    Add the chocolate, the cubed butter and honey into a bowl.

    Put the whipping cream into a pot and on medium heat. Cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape the vanilla seeds with the dull end of the knife, and then throw them into the whipping cream.

    Heat the whipping cream until bubbles start to surface. Take it off the fire and pour it over the chocolate, butter and honey. Leave it to sit for two to three minutes and then mix it with a spatula until everything melts.

    Pour the cream onto the cool pastry in the pan. Put it in the fridge to cool for around half an hour.

    Milk cream

    200 ml of whipping cream
    200 g of milk chocolate
    50 g of butter
    1 teaspoon of honey

    1 vanilla pod

    Do the same procedure as with the dark cream. Pour over the dark cream and leave in fridge over night. 

    Caramel hazelnut spikes

    200 g of sugar
    12-16 of blanched hazelnuts

    Put a pot on low heat and when it warms up, add the sugar. Keep an eye on the sugar, but don't stir it so it does't oxidize.

    Lift the pot from time to time and spin it so the sugar melts evenly.
    In the meantime, carefully stab the hazelnuts onto toothpicks. Be careful not to stab them in too deep or they will break.

    Prepare baking paper which you will place on the floor so you don't make a mess. Also prepare some duct tape with which you will stabilize the toothpicks at the end of a cupboard.

    Or you can, as I did, put the toothpick into a piece of styrofoam.

    Once the sugar melts and turns amber in color, take the toothpicks and dip in the hazelnuts so they get covered evenly.
    Leave the caramelized hazelnuts to harden, and then cut the spikes with scissors.

    Put the 'spikes' on an each piece of tart and serve it on room temperature.

    You can also let out some steam on the tart and have a good time like we did as you can see on the pictures. 

    Birthday giveaway

    Sadly, the birthday giveaway is avaible only for Croatia and neighboring areas (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia). If you have any relatives or friends there, make sure you let them now about the giveaway. 

    You can still 'like' my page Cutie and pie and share any of the posts you like on Facebook. If you are up to it you can let me know which post you liked the most and why. You can either comment here or e-mail me on my usual e-mail address. :)

    Birthday giveaway terms


    From all the excitement around the blog's first birhtday, I oversaw one small detail which I notices just now. :D 

    I waned the giveaway to las for a week, and not a single day. 
    Because of that, I am extending the giveaway until October 24th 2015.

    The giveaway is on until Wednesday, October 14th 2015 until 23:59 h.
    The winners will be announced on Thursday, October 15th 2015.
    The winner will be chosen by

    In order to participate in the giveaway, you need to:
    1.     click 'Like' on the Cutie and pie page
    2.     'Share' the giveaway Facebook post and set it as PUBLIC in the options so I can see it
    3.     write your e-mail under the Facebook post* and answer the following question: 
    ˝Which post did you like the most and why?˝

    *NOTE: If you don't have a Facebook profile, then you can just leave me your e-mal and answer to the question below this post.
    Leave your data ONLY on Facebook or on the blog.
    Incomplete or double entries will be disqualified.
    The prize is the adjustable cake pan which I own myself.

    You can stretch it from 16 to 30 cm, and its height is 8,5 cm.

    I'm in a big hurry so I took a quick shot of the giveaway present with my phone. The cake pan is originaly wrapped up. :)

    Send me your photos at 
    or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,

    Broj komentara: 8

    1. Hmmm. Najdrazi post.. Tesko je izdvojiti svi su super i divni... No za moju opsesiju lubenicom jedan od glavnih favorita ovo ljeto bio je slushy od lubenice. Sretan ti blogorodendan btw draga! (e mail:

    2. Posto sam relativno nov pratitelj bloga nisam jos sve postove pogledala-isprobala,ali definitivno mi je za sada najnaj Irish cream panna cotta (moj omiljeni desert u svim okusima)...i danasnji receptic izgleda savresno,a vjerujem da je prefin (sigurno cu isprobati).P.S. Divim se tvojim fotkama jer su moje ocajne (kolac ispadne bas kako hocu,a na fotki izgleda nejestivo :((( ) I naravno cestitam :D

      1. Fotke su većinom bratove, on je službeni fotograf bloga. Ja se igram samo s vremena na vrijeme sa fotićem. :)

        Sretno! :)

    3. Najdraži mi je post o čokoladnom tartu,volim čokoladne kolače.Sretan Vam blogorodendan !

    4. upisan komentar na fejsu,

      1. Marina, možete tamo odmah i mail napisati, da bude preglednije. ;) Hvala na sudjelovanju i sretno. ;)
