Voćni tart

{Please scroll down to English version}

Sunce, sladoled, festivali, 
vožnja biciklom, kokteli, nebo puno zvjezda, 
kupanje, roštilj i nepečene slastice...

Ovo ljeto zaista je bilo pravo ljeto kakvo poznajemo. 
Nadam se da ste ga mudro i maksimalno iskoristili, a ako niste ljubitelj +30 temperature onda vaše vrijeme dolazi. 
Kalendarski jesen počinje 23.rujna i mi smo se prigodno pozdravili s ljetom jednim laganim i ljetnim tartom.

Inspiracija su bila hrskava lisnata peciva iz pekare koje sam nadogradila svježim sezonskim voćem.
Kakav bi to bio pozdrav ljetu, ako nema sladoleda?
Ljeto = sladoled. Jesen = tart.
Hrskava podloga, mekano pečeno voće i sladoled koji se topi – može li bolje?
U mojoj glavi (i stomaku) ovo je idealni spoj, a vi provjerite i javite mi dojmove. ;)

Voćni tart

250 g lisnatog tijesta
25 g mljevenih badema
1/2 jabuke (1 tart)
1 šljiva (1 tart)
2 nektarine (2 tarta)

1 jaje
2 žličice vode
prstohvat soli

vanilin šećer, kardamom, cimet
Lisnato tijesto izvadite nekoliko sati prije pripreme da se odmrzne. 
Upalite pećnicu na 200° C.

Zatim ga razvaljajte na pravokutnik 32*19 cm. 
Taj pravokutnik podijelite na četiri jednaka dijela dimenzija 8*19 cm.* 

Izrezane tartove premjestite u pleh s papirom za pečenje. 
Jaje, vodu i sol razmutite i premažite pripremljene tartove.
Tartove pospite s mljevenim bademima**, vodeći računa da sa svake strane ostavite 1 cm do ruba.
Preko badema posložite narezano voće po izboru.
Osim navedenog voća, možete koristiti trešnje, marelice, kruške ili bilo koje drugo voće.***

Tartove pospite sa:
  • šećerom po izboru (vanilin šećer, aromatizirani šećer s limunom ili narančom,...)
  • začinima po izboru (cimet, kardamom,...)
Pecite u zagrijanoj pećnici 20-25 minuta ili dok ne pozlati.
Ostavite da se malo ohladi.
Poslužite topli tart sa sladoledom.

*Tako sam ja podijelila, no vi možete kako želite. Možete i u obliku kvadrata ili trokuta. 
**Ako nemate mljevenih badema ili lješnjaka, taj korak možete preskočiti. 
***Količina voća ovisi o veličini voća koje imate, pa tu količine mogu varirati.

Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na cutieandpieblog@gmail.com ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.

Dobar tek,

{You're at the English version}

The sun, ice-cream, festivals,
riding your bike, cocktails, a sky full of starts,
swimming, barbecuing and no-bake treats...

This summer was the real deal as we really know it.

I hope you spent it wisely and to the maximum, and if you're not a fan of +30 degrees weather, then your time is coming.

Date-wise, autumn begins on September 23rd and we said goodbye to summer with a light summer tart.

The inspiration came from the crunchy puff pastry from bakeries which I've upgraded with fresh seasonal fruit.
And what kind of a goodbye to summer would it be if it weren't for ice-cream?
Summer = ice-cream. Autumn = tart.
A crunchy base, softly baked fruit and melting ice-cream – can it get any better?

In my head (and tummy) that's an ideal match. You check it out for yourselves and let me know. ;)

Fruit tart

250 g puff pastry
25 g ground almonds
½ an apple (one tart)
1 plum (one tart)
2 nectarines (two tarts)

1 egg
2 teaspoons of water
a pinch of salt

vanilla sugar, cardamom, cinnamon

Take out the puff pastry a couple of hours before preparation so it has time to defrost.
Preheat your oven to 200°C.

Take the pastry and roll it out into a 32*19 cm rectangle.
Divide that rectangle into four equal parts about 8*19 cm.*

Transfer the cut tarts onto a tray with baking paper.

Mix up the egg, water and salt, and spread it over the tarts.
Sprinkle the tarts with ground almonds**, making sure you leave at least 1 cm free from the edges.
Place the cut fruit of choice over the almonds.
Except for the aforementioned fruit, you can also use cherries, peaches, pears, or any other fruit.***

Sprinkle the tarts with:

  • sugar of your choice (vanilla sugar, aromatized lemon or orange sugar...)
  • spices of your choice (cinnamon, cardamom...)

Bake in the preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden.
Leave the tarts a bit to cool down.
Serve the warm tarts with ice-cream.

*That's how I divided it, you can do as you please. You can cut them in the shape of a square or triangle.
**If you don't have any ground almonds or hazelnuts, you can skip this step.

***The amount of fruit depends on the size of the fruit, so the amount may vary.

Send me your photos at cutieandpieblog@gmail.com 
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,

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