{Please scroll down to English version}
Ispitni rokovi polako prolaze, pa sam skroz nestrpljiva povratku pećnici, tipkanju postova i vama. ;)
Dotada se još malo strpite...
Mali intermezzo ovim rokovima bio je rođendan moje više polovice i proslava njegovog rođendana u našem vrtu.
Kakav bi to bio rođendan bez torte? S veseljem sam prihvatila tu 'obavezu'.
Nažalost, nisam zadovoljna kako je torta ispala, pa smo se riješili dokaza prije slikanja, ako me razumijete.
Za slani smo dio umjesto poziva pizzeriji kupili tijesta u pekari i sve potrebne dodatke koje volimo.
Ideja slavljenika bila je sljedeća: opušteno druškanje uz hladna pića na terasi uz zadnje trzaje ljeta, pa kada glad uhvati da budu DIY pizze.
Svatko bira svoje sastojke bez ikakve nadoplate. Jednostavno i efektno.
Bilo je tu pojedinačnih, no i parovskih pizza.
Sada vas je uhvatila glad i mislite da je ovo post o pizzi? Žao mi je, morati ću vas razočarati.
Riječ je o mojem najdražem ljetnom cocktailu. Osvježavajući spoj limete i mente. Pogađate?
Da, riječ je po poznatom mojitu, no s malom promjenom.
Da, riječ je po poznatom mojitu, no s malom promjenom.
po receptu Jamie Oliver
1/3 limete + dekoracija
1 uzvršena žličica smeđeg šećera
7-8 listova mente + za dekoraciju
50 ml Martini Bianco
mineralna voda
zdrobljeni led
Odrežite kraj limete. Od ostatka limete odrežite komad debljine 1 cm te ga razrežite na četiri dijela i ubacite u čašu od 2 dcl.
Pospite smeđim šećerom te drškom pjenače ili oklagije gnječite par puta kako bi se ispustio sok i ulja iz kore.
Listove mente kratko pljesnite između dlanova te ubacite u čašu.
Ulijte Martini Bianco.
Napomena: Stavila sam u jednu krpu i pukla je.Ups! :D Očigledno dobar ispušni ventil.
Zdrobljeni led koji sliči na snijeg dodajte do 3/4 visine čaše te zapljusnite s mineralnom vodom.
Zatim napravite malu kupolu od komadića leda.
Dekorirajte sa listićem mente i veselom slamčicom.
Napomena: Mineralnu vodu i Martini dobro ohladite.
Dobar tek,
{English version}
College exams are slowly passing by and I'm very impatient to return to my
oven, posting and you. :)
Until then you'll have to be patient...
A little intermezzo between the exams was the birthday of my taller half
and the celebration of his birthday in our garden.
What kind of a birthday would it be without cake? I gladly took on that
'task'. Sadly, I wasn't pleased with the cake so we got rid of the evidence
before taking pictures, if you get my drift.
Instead of ringing up a pizzeria for the salty part, we bought ready-made
dough in the bakery, as well as all the necessary ingredients we like.
Birthday boy's idea was the following: casual hanging out with cool drinks
on the terrace next to last rays of summer, and when hunger strikes, we'll make
DIY pizzas.
Everybody chose their own ingredients, no extra charges. Simple and
efficient. There were single, but also couples' pizzas.
You're probably hungry now and think this is a pizza post. I'm sorry, I'll
have to disappoint you.
This is about my favorite summer cocktail. A refreshing mix of lime and
Did you guess it?
Yes, it's the famous mojito, but with a little twist.
What's the catch? Check below in the recipe...
adapted from Jamie Oliver
1/3 lime + for garnish
1 teaspoonful of sugar
7-8 mint leaves + for garnish
50 ml Martini Bianco
fizzy water
crushed ice
Cut the end off of lime. Cut the rest of the lime into 1 cm thick pieces,
and cut that into quarters and throw into a 2dcl glass.
Top it with brown sugar and then use the end of a spatula or your rolling
pin to crush it a few times in order to release the juice and oils from the
Briefly spank the mint leaves in between your hands and throw it into the
Sip in some Martini Bianco.
Put around a dozen of ice cubes into a clean kitchen cloth and crush them
or smack them against your kitchen surface.
Word of advice: I put the ice into a single cloth and it tore apart.
Whoops! :D Obviously this is good therapy.
Put the crushed snow-like ice up to the ¾of the glass and splash it with
some fizzy water.
Then make a small dome from the crushed ice.
Garnish with lime leaves and a cheerful straw.
Word of advice: cool down the fizzy water and the martini.
Send me
your photos at cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,
Savrseno pice za ove poslednje dane leta :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiBaš nam je dobro sjelo. Samo što nisam pravila na čašu, nego u vrč za više nas. ;) Počasti se mojitom u moje ime. ;)