{Please scroll down to English version}
Subota je trenutno moj najdraži dan.
Ujutro ne moram žuriti na posao i ostaviti dragog u krevetu.
Subotom duže spavamo i protežemo se u krevetu, a onda on radi. Pustim VH1, pa nam pripremim musle i kavu.
Ako mi se ništa ne da, kao prošli vikend, onda se ne mičemo iz kreveta. Upalim 24 Kitchen, gledam Rudolpha i pijuckam kavu.
No oboje volimo jesti i u ovih mjesec dana zajedničkog života, moram priznati da nismo ništa smršavili,a niti smo bacili ijednu zagorenu posudu. ;)
Kako dragi radi kod kuće, onda se 'bori' u kuhinji, a mene (skoro) svaki dan dočeka ručak, i to ukusni. Vikendom se onda ja pokušam aktivirati u kuhinji,a da to ne bude samo pranje suđa kao preko tjedna.
Cannelloni su jedna od stvari za koje znam, no nikada ih nisam jela. Tako da smo trenutno u razdoblju u kojem isprobavamo stvari po prvi put kada je riječ o hrani, a ne samo o zajedničkom životu.
Recept sam našla na portalu Dobra hrana, no morala sam napraviti neke izmjene.
Činilo mi se zgodnije, puniti sirove cannellone, imala sam već načeto vrhnje za kuhanje,a sira i začina nikad dosta.
Plašila sam se rezultata i hoćemo li morati uloviti nešto iz hladnjaka, no na kraju sam bila oduševljena rezultatom.
Istina, dijelom sam bila i oduševljena što ja nešto tako mogu napraviti.
Nije ovo ni teško ni znanstvena fantastika, no nakon presoljene krem-juhe od brokule za Valentinovo, ništa si više ne vjerujem, ako me razumijete.
Zapečeni cannelloni
prilagođeno s Dobra hrana
120 gr cannellona ili 12 komada
1 glavica luka
1 češanj češnjaka
1 žlica biljnog ulja
1 žlica maslaca
500 g mljevene svinjske lopatice
1 jaje
1 dcl vrhnja za kuhanje
2 žlice naribanog parmezana
100 gr naribanog emmentalera
1 žlica naribanog parmezana
1 čašica kiselog vrhnja
sol, papar, kajenski papar, papar s limunom, kumin, bosiljak
1 žlica sjeckanog bosiljka ili peršina
Vatrostalnu posudu namažite maslacem.
Očistite luk i češnjak. Luk sitno nasjeckajte.
Na ulju popržite luk, a kada dobije malo boje, dodajte protisnuti češnjak.
Kada zamiriši, dodajte meso i dinstajte uz stalno miješanje. Meso začinite te probajte.
Meso prespite u posudu i ostavite da se malo ohladi.
Razmutite jaje, dodajte pola količine peršina i ribani parmezan. Ovu mješavinu dodajte mesu te dobro izmiješajte.
Zagrijte pećnicu na 180° C.
Sirovi cannellon stavite okomito na dlan ruke te punite smjesom i slažite u namašćenu vatrostalnu posudu. Ponovite postupak dok ne potrošite sve cannellone.
Vrhnje pomiješajte s naribanim emmentalerom te time premažite cannellone. Pospite parmezanom i nasjeckanim peršinom.
Pecite u zagrijanoj pećnici 30-40 minuta. Ako vam krene previše hvatati boje odozgo, pokrijte aluminijskom folijom.
Pokušajte pričekati koju minutu nakon što se ispeče te poslužite uz zelenu salatu.
Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
{You're at the English version}
Saturday is currently my favorite day of the week.
I don't have to rush to work in the morning and leave
my darling behind.
We sleep longer on Saturdays and stay in bed, and then
he works. I play some VH1 and prepare muesli and coffee for the both of us.
If I don't feel like doing anything, like it happened
last weekend, then we stay in bed all day. I turn on 24 Kitchen, watch Rudolph
and sip coffee.
When my darling finishes with work, then we make lunch
together. Honestly, we don't know how to cook.
But, we both love to eat, and in the month of living
together I have to admit that we haven't lost a single kilogram, but we also
didn't throw away any burned dishes. ;)
Since my darling works from home, he 'fights' in the
kitchen, and I am (almost) every day welcomed by a cooked lunch, and a tasty
On weekends I try to activate in the kitchen, and not
just do the dishes like I do over the week.
Cannelloni are one of the things I've heard about, but
I've never eaten them. Currently we're in a period in which we're trying out
things for the first time when it comes to food, and not only when it comes to
living together.
I found the recipe on Dobra hrana, but I had to make some
It seemed more practical to fill up raw cannelloni, I already had some cooking
cream, and you can never have enough cheese and spices.
I was afraid of the results and if we would have to
fish something out of the fridge eventually, but in the end I was thrilled with
the result.
True, I was partly thrilled with the fact that I can
actually make something like this.
It isn't hard, and it isn't science fiction, but after
I overdid the salt in the broccoli cream soup, I don't trust myself, if you know what i mean.
This seems like a lasagne
option, but simpler and lighter.
Baked cannelloni
adapted from Dobra hrana
120 g of cannelloni
or 12 pieces
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
1 spoon of vegetable oil
1 spoon of butter
500 g of ground pork butt
1 egg
1 dl of cooking cream
2 spoons of ground parmesan
100 g of ground emmentaler
1 spoon of ground parmesan
1 cup of sour cream
salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, lemon pepper, cumin,
1 spoon of chopped basil or parsley
Grease a heat-proof pan with butter.
Clean the onion and the garlic. Finely chop the onion.
Fry the onion on oil, and once it starts getting
color, add the squeezed garlic.
Once the smell starts to spread, add the meat and cook
while stirring constantly. Season the meat and try it.
Put the meat into a bowl and leave it to cool a bit.
Beat the egg, add half of the measure of parsley and
the ground parmesan. Add the mix to the meat and mix in well.
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Put the raw cannellone
vertically on the palm of your hand, and fill it with the mix. Put them into
the greased pan. Repeat until you fill up all of the cannellone.
Mix the sour cream with the ground emmentaler and spread it over the cannellone. Sprinkle with parmesan and
ground parsley.
Bake in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes. If the color
starts to appear too soon at the top, cover with aluminum
Send me your photos at cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
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