Piletina sa mozzarelom, paprikom i tikvicama / Chicken with zucchini, bell pepper and mozzarela

{Please scroll down to English version}

Obožavam piletinu. Mogla bih je jesti svaki dan. Ozbiljno.
Pileća prsa moj su favorit. Na naglo, punjena, u umaku, kuhana, pečena, na roštilju… Nebitno.

Na Facebooku pratim profil Tasty i Proper Tasty koji svakodnevno izbacuje ukusne i zanimljive video-recepte. K tome je kratko i dobro objašnjeno. O divotama koje donose ne moram vam ni pričati tj. neću. Najbolje da sami provjerite na njihovom profilu. ;)

Otkako je Facebook uveo opciju 'Save', hrpu stvari koje vidim na mobitelu spremim za kasnije. K'o pravi hrčak, nakupila sam linkova, videa, fotografija i, naravno, najviše recepata.
Tako smo otkrili punjena pileća prsa sa špinatom i ricottom. Pileća prsa kupljena, čekaju subotu da ih pripremimo i smažemo. Prijepodne smo prošetali u potragu za špinatom, i razočarali se. Brzinski smo se snašli i ugrabili tikvice, crvenu papriku i mozzarellu na akciji.

 Kao kuharica u povojima, vjerujem u onu da se može ukusno jesti i bez da se satima stoji za štednjakom.
Zato preferiram pečenje u pećnici,  i to najbolje na masnom papiru bez dodatnih masnoća. Tako me je ovaj recept osvojio na prvu i isprobavat ćemo varijacije.

Otkriće uz ovaj recept su mlinci sa soja-sosom.

Piletina s tikvicom, paprikom i mozzarellom

640 g pilećih prsa
½ crvene paprike
½ tikvice
150 g mozzarelle
začini (sol, papar s limunom, kurkuma, kajenski papar…)
100 g goude + crvena paprika

Pleh obložite papirom za pečenje. Pećnicu zagrijte na 180°C.
Pileća prsa zarežite s gornje strane prema dolje. Narežite tikvicu, papriku i mozzarellu. Tikvicu posolite da pusti vodu.
U svaki prorez stavite po komadić mozzarelle, a tikvice i papriku stavite naizmjence. Pospite začinima po želji.
Ako ste za zdraviju varijantu, stavite peći. Ako želite nešto više, pileća prsa pospite naribanim sirom i crvenom paprikom.
Pecite u zagrijanoj pećnici 30-40 minuta.
Poslužite uz zelenu salatu i prilog, npr. mlinci sa soja-sosom

Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.

Dobar tek,

{You're at the English version}

I love chicken. I could eat it every day. Seriously.
Chicken breasts are my favorite. Grilled, filled, with a sauce, cooked, fried, from the oven... It doesn't matter.

I follow Tasty and Proper Tasty on Facebook. They post tasty and interesting video-recipes on a daily basis. They're short and well-explained. I don't even have to mention the delicious stuff they post, i.e. I won't. The best thing to do would be to check out their profile for yourselves. ;)

Since Facebook introduced the 'Save' option, I save a bunch of things I see on my phone for later. Like a true hamster, I have tons of links, videos, photographs and, of course, mostly recipes.
That's how we discovered chicken breasts filled with spinach and ricotta. Bought the chicken breasts, and they were waiting for Saturday for us to prepare them and eat them. We tried to find spinach, but we were disappointed. We quickly find our way around and bought zucchini, red bell pepper and mozzarella.

As a rookie cook, I believe in the one saying that you can eat tasty food without having to spend hours at the stove.
That's why I prefer baking in the oven, and that's best done on a sheat of baking paper so you don't grease stuff up. That's why this recipe won me over, and we will definitely try to mix it up with other things too.

A discovery with this recipe were mlinci with soy sauce.

Chicken with zucchini, bell pepper and mozzarela

640 g of chicken breasts
½ red bell pepper
½ zucchini
150 g of mozzarella
spices (salt, lemon pepper, turmeric, cayenne pepper...)
100 g of gouda + ground red pepper

Put a sheet of baking paper onto a baking tray. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Cut the chicken breast from the top side downwards. Cut the zucchini, the pepper and mozzarella. Salt the zucchini so it releases water.
In each slit put a slice of mozzarella, and then zucchini and the pepper, exchanging them each time. Sprinkle with spices.
If you're for the healthy option, put them to bake. If you want something more, sprinkle the chicken breasts with grated cheese and ground red pepper.
Bake in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes.
Serve with green salad and mlinci with soy sauce.

Send me your photos at cutieandpieblog@gmail.com 
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,

2 komentara

  1. Ovo baš izgleda fino! Pinam za isprobati. 😊

    1. Ma ne pinati, odmah prepisati recept. :P BTW Odličan i zanimljiv blog imaš, svakako se čitamo. ;)
