Piramida od višanja / Cherry Pyramid

{Please scroll down to English version}

Nakon velikog hita Štrudle s grizom i jabukama, tu je i Piramida od višanja koju sam ukrala iz mamine bilježnice. 

Izvor recepta ne znam točno, mama ih je dobila od prijateljice i naš su dugogodišnji favorit.
Čiji god da je recept , hvala. :) 
Dobri recepti tu su da se dijele, zar ne? 
Veselim se skidanju silnih slojeva odjeće, zrakama sunca, cvijeću na stolu ili da oživim polumrtvo na prozorskoj dasci, izvučem bicikl iz šupe, i škiljim zbog sunca. Još malo. <3

Piramida od višanja

1 paket (500 g) lisnatog tijesta 
1 staklenka (340 g) višanja ili domaće zamrznute višnje

Pećnicu zagrijte na 200° C.
Pleh obložite papirom za pečenje, tko je vidio prati pleh, zar ne?
Višnje ocijedite.

Lisnato tijesto tanko razvaljajte na veličinu pleha koji ste dobili sa pećnicom. 
Gusto poredajte jedan red višanja, zamotajte tijesto tek toliko da se tijesto spoji i odrežite. 
Rubove malo premažite vodom da se zalijepe.
Ponavljajte tako postupak dok ne dobijete 10 rolica.
Ili budite točniji i izmjerite širinu razvaljanog tijesta i podijelite s 10, pa ćete dobiti veličinu tijesta za jednu rolicu.
Pecite rolice dok ne porumene.

1 l mlijeka
7 žlica šećera
3 pudinga od vanilije
2 žlice gustina
250 g maslaca

petit keks
čokolada za kuhanje

Prosijte prašak za puding i gustin.
U posudu na srednju vatru dodajte mlijeko i šećer. 
Od ukupnog mlijeka oduzmite nekoliko žlica mlijeka da razmutite prašak za puding.
Kada mlijeko zakuha, dodajte razmućeni prašak za puding. 
Skuhani puding prelijte u posudu i prekrijte prozirnom folijom da se ne bi stvorila korica.

U ohlađeni puding dodajte maslac sobne temperature.

U posudu koja je iste dužine kao i pleh u kojem ste pekli rolice, poredajte tri petit keksa jedan uz drugi širinom keksa.
Preko podloge od keksa premažite malo kreme da 'spojite' kekse
kako vam ne bi klizali i razdvajali se.
Položite četiri rolice na podlogu od keksa. Između i preko rolica premažite kremom. 
Položite tri rolice te između i preko rolica premažite kremom. 
Položite dvije rolice te između i preko rolica premažite kremom. 
Položite zadnju rolicu te preko rolice premažite kremom. 

Ostatkom kreme zaravnajte stranice da stvore pravilnu piramidu. 
Ili ako niste fan matematike, neka bude nepravilna i simpatična.
Ukrasite naribanom čokoladom za kuhanje.

Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.

Dobar tek,

{You're at the English version}

After the big hit Apple and Semolina Strudel (English version coming soon!), now we have the Cherry Pyramid which I stole from my mom's cook book.

I don't know where the recipe originated from; mom got it from a friend, and it's been our favorite for a long time.
Whoever it belongs to, thank you. :)
Good recipes are meant to be shared, right?
I'm looking forward to getting rid of the many layers of clothes, to see the sun rays, flowers on the table or trying to animate my half-dead plants on the window sill, take my bike from the shack, and squinting because of the sun.
Soon. <3

Cherry Pyramid

1 package (500 g) of puff pastry 
1 jar (340 g) of cherries or frozen home-grown cherries

Preheat the oven to 200°C.
Cover the baking tray with baking paper; who would want to wash it afterwards, right?
Drain the cherries.

Thinly spread the puff pastry, the size of the baking tray that comes with the oven.
Cover it with one row of thickly spread cherries, roll the pastry just enough so you connect the end, and cut off the excess.
Cover the ends with water so they stick.
Repeat the process until you get ten rolls.
Or, be more precise and measure the width of the rolled out pastry and divide by ten, so you'll get the size of the pastry  for one roll.
Bake the rolls until they turn golden.

1 l of milk
7 spoons of sugar
3 vanilla puddings
2 spoons of cornstarch
250 g of butter

Petit-Beurre biscuits

Sift the pudding powder and cornstarch.
Add milk and sugar in a soucepan, on medium heat.
From the total amount of milk, take a few spoonfuls in order to mix the pudding powder.
When the milk comes to a boil, add the pudding powder.
Pour the cooked pudding into a bowl and cover with cling film so a crust wouldn't form.

Add room-temperature butter into the cooled pudding.

On a tray the same length as your baking tray, lay three rows of Petit-Beurre.
Spread some pudding cream over it so you 'bind' the biscuits together.
Lay four cherry rolls on the biscuits. Put cream between and over the rolls.
Lay three rolls on top of that and cover with cream.
Now lay two rolls on top of that and cover with cream.
In the end, lay the last roll on top of that and cover with cream.

Use the rest of the cream to even the sides in order to create a pyramid.
Or, if you're not a fan of geometry, leave it uneven and cute.
Decorate with grated chocolate.

Cool well before serving.

Send me your photos at cutieandpieblog@gmail.com 
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,

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