{Please scroll down to English version}
Cake pops su zgodne slastice na štapiću koje super prolaze kod malih, ali i velikih.
Ukusne, šarene i smažu se u jednom zalogaju, tako da su idealne za zabave i slavlja.
Ili si uzmite vremena i pustite glazbu ili uposlite još koji par ruku, pa se zabavljajte.
Mumije na štapiću
4 velika jaja300 g šećera
200 ml ulja
250 g brašna
1 prašak za pecivo
1 žličica 'pumpkin spice' mješavina začina
'Pumpkin spice' mješavina začina:
4 žliče mljevenog cimeta
2 žličice mljevenog đumbira
2 1/2 žličice mljevenog muškatnog oraščića
2 žličice mljevenog klinčića
Upalite pećnicu na 180°C. Namastite i pobrašnite pleh veličine 27x30 cm.
Jaja i šećer pjenasto izradite te dodajte ulje i kratko još mutite.
Dodajte prosijano brašno, prašak za pecivo i mješavinu začina. Mutite dok se sastojci ne povežu.
Smjesu izlijte u kalup i pecite 25 minuta ili dok čačkalica ne izađe suha.
Bisvkit kratko ohladite i potom izmrvite rukama ili u multipraktiku.
sok pola limuna
sok pola naranče
pekmez od marelice
Iscijedite sok limuna i naranče.
Krem-sir izradite sa žličicom da bude kremastiji.
Pekmez ugrijte.
Pola smjese sam ostavila za dekoriranje za sami Halloween, a pola sam pripremila za vas. Pola te smjese, tj. po jednu četvrtinu sam napravila s kombinacijom sok-krem sir, a drugu sok-pekmez od marelice.
Polako dodajte sastojke i umiješajte u mrvice dok se mrvice ne stisnu i mogu formirati u kuglicu bez raspadanja. Rukama ih izvaljajte u kulgice.
Ako se raspadaju, dodajte još soka i krem-sira ili pekmeza. Pazite samo da ne dodate previše.
Kuglice stavite na pleh s masnim papirom te stavite u zamrzivač na 10 minuta ili dok ne budu tvrde.
U međuvremenu otopite bijelu čokoladu ili bijelu glazuru za kolače na bazi vanilije u staklenoj posudi iznad posude s kipućom vodom. Pazite da dno posude ne dodiruje vodu.
Štapić za cake pops ili sladoled umočite u otopljenu čokoladu i ubodite u do pola kuglice. Ostavite da se čokolada stegne, da kuglice ne spadnu.
Stavite na masni papir ili u široku šalicu napunjenu sa šećerom i zabodite u štapić u šećer i oslonite o rub šalice.
Ostavite da se čokolada stegne, pa ostatak smjese prebacite u vrećicu za zamrzivač, kojoj ćete odrezati mali vrh te napraviti crte po kuglicama da izgledaju kao umotane mumije.
Crnom prehrambenom bojom pažljivo istisnite dvije točkice za oči.
Držite ih u hladnjaku do serviranja.
Ili na ukrašenom pladnju ili u šalicama napunjenim šećerom.
UPOZORENJE: Napravite svakako više, nestaju brzinom munje.
Ako ste štapiće previše zaboli, silom teže štapić može probosti kuglicu s druge strane, pa pripazite na to.
Može biti i do veličine kuglice, idealno je da budu 20 g, pa si pomognite digitalnom vagom.
Ako se čokolada nije dovoljno stegnula, past će sa štapića. Budite strpljivi.
Ako vam je čokolada pregusta, možete je razrijediti s malo ulja. Pomalo dodavajte, pa promiješajte i vidite kao će to utjecati. Nemojte pomisliti dodati mlijeko, skroz će se zgrušati.
Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.
Dobar tek,
{You're at the English version}
We had salty mummies, so it's time to have sweet ones too, right?Cake pops are nifty little treats on a stick which are great with kids and big kids alike.
Tasty, colorful and eaten in a flash, so they're ideal for parties and festivities.
As per usual, it's one of the more 'delicate' desserts which keep you busy, but I can't help it, I love it.
Either take some time away for this, or use another pair of hands and have fun.
Cake pops mummies
4 large eggs300 g sugar
200 ml oil
250 g flour
1 packet of baking powder
1 teaspoon of 'pumpkin spice'
'Pumpkin spice':
4 spoons of ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons of ground ginger
2 1/2 teaspoons of ground nutmeg
2 teaspoons of ground cloves
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease up and flour a cake pan 27x30 cm.
Mix up the eggs and the sugar until foamy, add the oil and mix for a short while.
Add the sifted flour, baking powder and the spice mix. Mix until the ingredients combine.
Pour the mix int the pan and bake for about 25 minutes or until the toothpick comes out clean.
Shortly cool the cake and then crumble it with your hands or in a blender.
juice of half a lemon
juice of half an orange
cream cheese
apricot jam
Squeeze the lemon and orange juice.
Work out the cream cheese with a spoon so it gets even creamier.
Warm up the jam.
I left half of the mix for decorating for Halloween itself, and half of it I prepared for you. Half of that mix, i.e. one quarter of it I made into juice-cream cheese combo, and the other half into the juice-apricot jam combo.
Slowly add the ingredients and mix into the crumble until you can form a ball without it falling apart. Make the shape with your hands.
If they're falling apart, add more juice and cream cheese or jam. Just watch out so you don't add too much.
Put the balls onto a tray covered with grease paper and put them into the freezer for about 10 minutes or until they harden.
In the meantime, melt white chocolate or cake covering over a ban marie. Watch out so the bottom of the bowl doesn't touch the water beneath.
Now dip in the balls into the chocolate and spin them around until they're evenly covered.
Put them onto grease paper or in a wide cup filled with sugar. Stick the sticks into the sugar and lean them on the edge of the cup.
Leave the chocolate to stiffen up, and then transfer the rest of the chocolate into a bag. Cut off a very small tip of the bag so you can make lines over the balls to look like wrapped-up mummies.
Use black food coloring to carefully draw the eyes.
Keep refrigerated until serving, on a decorated platter, or in cups filled with sugar.
WARNING: Definitely make more, they disappear like crazy.
Some advice:
If you've stuck the sticks too much, the balls will drop down and get pierced on the other side. Be careful.
It could also be due to the size of the ball. An ideal measure is around 20 g.
If the chocolate doesn't stiffen up enough, it will fall of the stick. Be patient.
If the chocolate is too thick, you can thin it out with a bit of oil. Add slowly at a time, mix up and see the result. Don't even think about adding milk, it will only make it thicker.
Send me your photos at cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,
Sjajno su ti ispale, a fotkice su zakon! Dobro znam koliko klinci vole cake popse, a ovakvi bi im bili još draži! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti. :* Baš sam pustila dijete u sebi da se igra i kod pravljenja i kod fotkanja. :D ;)
IzbrišiTako i treba! Najbitnije je zabaviti se dok nešto radiš! :)