{Please scroll down to English version}
Kod mojih prvi su znak adventa bili mekani medenjaci. Mekani i odmah spremni za jesti, a miris koji se širi kućom...Mmm.
Ovo je naš prvi. Maleni Božić u stanu.
Iako je plan bio nastaviti maminu tradiciju s medenjacima, nekako sam ipak dospjela do ovih preslatkoća. Keksi s poznatim likom soba s crvenim nosom Rudolfa u koje sam dodala začinsku mješavinu za paprenjake.
Bila je to ljubav na prvi pogled i odmah sam znala da je to prava stvar za e-bilten za Zagrebačko kazalište lutaka, jer je jednostavno, slatko i ukusno.
Baš pravi keksi za djecu i sve oni koji se tako osjećaju. ;)
Kao veliko dijete, igrala sam se s keksima u subotu do dva sata ujutro i legla s osmijehom u krevet te slatkih prstiju.
Točka na i bio je adventski kalendar koji mi je prijateljica sama napravila: od obrade drva, preko ljepljenja naljepnica i pisanja teksta do bojanja. Ukras koji već nestrpljivo odbrojava dane...
Hvala, Nelo. <3
Paprenjak keksi Rudolf
prilagođeno s bloga Moje Wypieki
40 komada
180 g hladnog maslaca
200 g šećera u prahu
350 g brašna
1 veliko jaje
1 žumanjak
prstohvat soli
15 g speculaas/paprenjak mješavine začina
Sve sastojke pomiješajte u velikoj zdjeli. Nastavkom za tijesto ili u multipraktiku 'umijesite' tijesto tj. miksajte dok se tijesto ne krene oblikovati u loptu i odvajati od rubova posude.
Sadržaj izvadite na prijanjajuću foliju i oblikujte u disk.
Ostaviti pola sata u hladnjaku.
Pećnicu zagrijte na 180°C i dva veća pleha obložite papirom za pečenje.
Tijesto prepolovite i oba razvaljajte na debljinu od odprilike 3 mm na lagano pobrašnjenoj podlozi.
Izrežite kekse promjera 7 cm okruglim izrezivačem ili čašom.
Kekse prebacite na masni papir u pleh i pecite 10-12 minuta ili dok lagano ne porumene.
Izvadite ih na rešetku i ohladite.
50 g tamne čokolade
crveni bomboni (M&M's, Skittles,...)
šećerna glazura
Tamnu čokoladu otopite u posudi iznad ključale vode, bez da dno posude s čokoladom dodiruje vodu.
Čokoladu ulijte u slastičarsku vrećicu s malim okruglim nastavkom ili u običnu vrećicu za zamrzivač kojoj se odrezali mali vrh. Pazite da ne pretjerate, bolje započnite s manjom, pa povećajte.
Čokoladom iscrtajte rogove i oči, a ako želite, možete staviti točkicu čokolade ispod nosa i onda zalijepiti bombon za nos.
Nos sam zalijepila sa šećernom glazurom koju sam koristila već za kekse u obliku čizmice za Sv. Nikolu
Bombon umočite u šećernu glazuru i zalijepite za keks. Ostavite da se osuši, pa prebacite u celofansku vrećicu i zapakirajte s mašnicom. Poklonite dragoj osobi ili spremite u limenu kutiju za svoje ukućane.
Napomena: nestaju dok si rekao keks. ;)
It all begins and ends with biscuits.
My family's first sign of Advent were soft gingerbreads. Fluffy and ready to eat, and the fragrance that spread through the house... Mmm.
yields 40 pieces

Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.
Dobar tek,
{You're at the English version}
It all begins and ends with biscuits.
My family's first sign of Advent were soft gingerbreads. Fluffy and ready to eat, and the fragrance that spread through the house... Mmm.
This is our first, small Christmas in the apartment.
Even though the plan was to continue my mom's tradition with gingerbreads, I opted in the end for these cute little things. Biscuits with the well-known reindeer and his red nose – Rudolph, in which I added the gingerbread spice mix.
Even though the plan was to continue my mom's tradition with gingerbreads, I opted in the end for these cute little things. Biscuits with the well-known reindeer and his red nose – Rudolph, in which I added the gingerbread spice mix.
It was love at first sight, and I knew it was the right thing for the e-bulletin edition for Zagrebačko kazalište lutaka (Zagreb Theatre of Puppetry), because it's simple, sweet and tasty.
Just the right biscuits for children and all who feel like that. ;)
Just the right biscuits for children and all who feel like that. ;)
As a big child, I played with the biscuits on Saturday until two in the morning and went to sleep with a smile on my face, and sweet fingers.
The final drop was the Advent calendar my dear friend made for me: from processing the wood, over placing stickers and painting. A decoration which already impatiently counts the days to Christmas...
Thank you, Nela. <3
The final drop was the Advent calendar my dear friend made for me: from processing the wood, over placing stickers and painting. A decoration which already impatiently counts the days to Christmas...
Thank you, Nela. <3
Rudolph Gingerbread Biscuits
adapted from Moje Wypieki
yields 40 pieces
180 g of cold butter
200 g powdered sugar
350 g flour
1 large egg
1 egg yolk
a pinch of salt
15 g speculaas/gingerbread spice mix
200 g powdered sugar
350 g flour
1 large egg
1 egg yolk
a pinch of salt
15 g speculaas/gingerbread spice mix
Mix all the ingredients in a big bowl. 'Mix' in the dough in a blender or with a mixer until the dough starts to shape in a ball and doesn't stick to the bowl anymore.
Take out the ball of dough onto cling film and shape it into a disk
Leave in the fridge for half an hour.
Preheat the oven to 180°C and put baking paper on two bigger baking trays.
Slice the dough in half and roll out both pieces to 3 mm thickness on a slightly floured surface.
Cut out the biscuits about 7 cm in diameter, or with a round glass.
Put the biscuits onto the tray and bake for 10-12 minutes or until they turn slightly brown.
Take out on a cooling rack and cool down.
Take out the ball of dough onto cling film and shape it into a disk
Leave in the fridge for half an hour.
Preheat the oven to 180°C and put baking paper on two bigger baking trays.
Slice the dough in half and roll out both pieces to 3 mm thickness on a slightly floured surface.
Cut out the biscuits about 7 cm in diameter, or with a round glass.
Put the biscuits onto the tray and bake for 10-12 minutes or until they turn slightly brown.
Take out on a cooling rack and cool down.
50 g of dark chocolate
red candy (M&M's, Skittles...)
sugar glaze
Melt the dark chocolate in a ban marie, and don't let the bottom of the pan touch the boiling water.
Pour the chocolate into a cone bag and cut the tip off. Be careful not to cut off too much. Start smaller, and then go big if you'd like.
50 g of dark chocolate
red candy (M&M's, Skittles...)
sugar glaze
Melt the dark chocolate in a ban marie, and don't let the bottom of the pan touch the boiling water.
Pour the chocolate into a cone bag and cut the tip off. Be careful not to cut off too much. Start smaller, and then go big if you'd like.
Draw on the antlers and the eyes with the chocolate, and if you want, you can put a dab of chocolate and use it as nose glue.
I stuck on the nose with sugar glaze which I've already used for St. Nick's boots biscuits
I stuck on the nose with sugar glaze which I've already used for St. Nick's boots biscuits
Dip the candy into the sugar glaze and stick it onto the biscuits. Leave to try, and then transfer into cellophane, wrapping it up with a bow. Give it as a gift to a dear person or pack them up in a tin box for your household.
Note: they disappear faster than you can say 'biscuit'. ;)
Note: they disappear faster than you can say 'biscuit'. ;)

super, moja sis pravi gingere po slicnoj recepturi, ali ovi nosevi su apsolutni must have za ovu sezonu....pohvalit cu se sa svojom verzijom ;)hvala :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiPohvali se i meni, bilo na mail ili IG, kada ih napraviš. ;) Nikad dovoljno gingera, zar ne? ;)
IzbrišiMalo je rec da su preslatki!!! Uopce se ne bih bunila da me ispod bora docekaju :) Isprobat cu za vikend svakako :)*
OdgovoriIzbrišiVeselim se fotkama ovaj vikend i dojmovima. ;) Hvala ti, Sassy. <3
IzbrišiPrelepi su keksići . Ove godine sam na Pinterestu sakupila mnogo divnih recepta baš sa djumbirom , koji obožavamo i ima tu pravih umetničkih radova. Za decu kao što i treba čisto uživanje
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala Dubravka. :) Pinterest je moja velika slabost, obožavam ga!
IzbrišiZa djecu, no i velika djeca trebaju uživati, zar ne? :)
Prelijepo izgledaju, bas za ovo doba godine. 😊
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala Sanela. :) Odličnu povratnu informaciju sam dobila, hoćete ih i vi možda isprobati? ;)
IzbrišiIdeja odlicna, za vecer nove godine ih napravim, mada ne znam gdje mogu naci zacin, vjerujem da on daje pravi ukus, ali potrudit cu se vec nekako. Jos jednom, izgledaju prelijepo.