Popečci od tikvica / Zucchini Fritters

{Please scroll down to English version}

Ispitni rokovi uspješno su prošli, lokalni urbani festival je otplesan, pećnica i dalje ne znam kako radi, a vi ste mi jako nedostajali.

U međuvremenu sam kupujući mlinac za papar, upoznala Mariju s bloga Mirisna teka koja mi je prišla i ugodno iznenadila. :) Pozdrav, Marijo. :)

Veto na paljenje pećenice i dalje je na snazi. Razmišljam, istražujem i slinim nad tuđim receptima i pokušavam uhvatiti konce i biti produktivna za blog.

Tikvice su mi najdraže na roštilju. Moja baka bi žute i zelene tikvice napravila u obliku popečki, no nisam bila veliki fan. Bile su premalo začinjenje i bilo je premalo tikvica, a previše tijesta.

Mama je jedan dan donijela ogromnu tikvicu iz našeg vrta i tražila sam ideju kako da je produktivno iskoristim.

Moja potraga ubrzo je završila kada samnašla popečke u koje idu i krušne mrvice i - još bolje - parmezan. Sa sirom ne može biti loše, zar ne?

To sam i pomislila, i pokazalo se kao istinito. Prvi smo put natrpali i kukurz šećerac i grašak,pa su se raspadale. No, pojeli smo ih s užitkom.
Drugi put sam pokušala biti točnija u receptu, tj uopće se pridržavati, i ispale su još bolje. :)

Popečci od tikvica

prilagođeno s bloga Baker's corner

450 g zelenih tikvica, naribanih
60 g naribanog parmezana ili drugog tvrdog sira
60 g krušnih mrvica
1  jaje
1 žlica sitno nasjeckanog peršina
sol i papar

Operite tikvice i odrežite im krajeve. Naribajte ih i stavite u posudu. 
Pospite sa solju i ostavite ih pola sata da puste vodu.
Rukama dobro ocijedite tikvice od viška vode.

Toj smjesi dodajte razmućeno jaje, krušne mrvice, naribani parmezan, nasjeckani peršin, grašak i papar. 
Rukama dobro promiještajte smjesu da se sjedini. Oblikujte smjesu u loptice, pa ih malo spljoštite.
Ako vam se ne daju oblikovati, dodajte još malo krušnih mrvica ili parmezana.
Pecite na dobro zagrijanom ulju na srednje jakoj vatri dok ne porumene i s jedne i druge strane. 
Nemojte ih okretati dok se ne stvori lijepa korica i pazite da se ne raspadnu.
Ako se slučajno to dogodi, nije problem- i dalje će biti ukusne i pojestiće se. ;)

Gotove popečke izvadite na par papira kuhinjskih ubrusa da se ocijede od viška ulja te ih jedite same, uz dip od krem-sira od Dajane ili kao prilog uz neko glavno jelo.

Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.

Dobar tek,

{You're at the English version}

Exams are successfully over, the local urban-festival has been danced away, I still have no idea how the oven works, and I missed all of you a lot.

In the meantime, while buying a pepper mill, I met Marija from the blog Mirisna teka who approached me and gave me a nice surprise. :)

The veto on turning the oven on is still in progress. I'm thinking, researching and drooling over other people's recipes, and I'm trying to get things together and to be productive for the blog.

I love zucchini the most when they're grilled. My grandmother used to make yellow and green zucchini as fritters, but I wasn't a big fan of those. They weren't seasoned enough and there were to little zucchini and too much dough.
Just the other day mom brought a huge green zucchini from our own garden, and I was searching for ideas how to make use of it.

My search ended when I found zucchini which are paired up with breadcrumbs and – even better – parmesan. It can't be bad if it has cheese, right?

I thought the same thing, and it turned out to be true. The first time we made them we also added sweet corn and peas, so they fell apart. But we still enjoyed them. The second time I tried to be more precise with the recipe, i.e. actually stick to it, and it turned out even better. :)

Zucchini Fritters 

adapted from Baker's corner

450 g green zucchini, ground
60 g ground parmesan or other hard cheese
60 g breadcrumbs
1  egg
1 tablespoon of chopped parsley
2 tablespoons peas
salt and pepper

Wash the zucchini and cut off their ends. Grind them and put them in a bowl.
Sprinkle them with salt and leave them for half an hour until they release water.

Squeeze the excess water out with your hands.
Add to that a beaten egg, breadcrumbs, ground parmesan, chopper parsley, peas and pepper.

Mix it in with your hands to get an even mass. Shape it into small balls, and press them a bit. If you don't feel like shaping them, add some more breadcrumbs or parmesan.
Fry on well-heated oil, on medium flames, until they turn golden brown on both sides.
Don't turn them until you get a nice crust on the bottom, and make sure they don't fall apart.
If that happens by some chance, don't worry – they'll still be tasty and will be eaten. :)

Take out the fritters on a couple of kitchen towel sheets so they soak up the excess oil and eat them on their own, with a cream cheese dip made by Dajana , or as a side dish.

Send me your photos at cutieandpieblog@gmail.com 
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,

1 komentar

  1. Kakva slučajnost :) i mi smo danas imali popečke za ručak :)
