Ledeni čaj od breskve / Peach Ice Tea

{Please scroll down to English version}

Druženje uz Singstar bilo je dogovoreno za petak. Kakvi bi mi to domaćini i hedonisti, a ja food blogerica,  da nešto ne pripremimo za goste?

Dragi je htio praviti muffine s limunom i sušenim brusnicama, a ja ledeni čaj od breskve.

Kažem ‘htio’, jer uz najbolji trud nismo se uspjeli sporazumjeti s pećnicom kojoj ne znamo programe, jer su sve brojke na programatoru izbrisane. 

Tako da su muffini odozgo dobili finu smeđu boju, a odozdo bili tekući. :( Završili su u smeću, a tugu smo utopili u pizzi, pjevanju i ojačali trbušne mišiće smijanjem. 

Drugi su probali moj ledeni čaj, no slabo su došli do njega koliko sam ga ja srkala.

Ledeni čaj od breskve

po receptu sa Baker's corner

Ohlađeni crni čaj* uspite u čašu te zasladite sirupom** po želji. 

 Dekorirajte ledeni čaj kriškama limuna ili naranče, te breskvama.
 Na kraju dodajte veselu slamku i par kockica leda te uživajte u osvježavajućem napitku.

Ako vam je prežestoko ili pregorko, možete razrijediti i hladnom vodom.  
Sirup od breskve**
3 breskve
125 g šećera
250 ml vode
3 limuna

Breskve sitno narezati te dodati mješavini vode i šećera. Kuhati na srednje jakoj vatri dok potpuno ne omekšaju.

Procijediti i propasirati kroz gusto cjedilo. Uzmite si vremena i budite temeljiti. Nemojte zaboraviti sastrugati s donje strane cjedila.

U to dodajte sok limuna. Ako imate nešpricani limun, koricu stavite u sirup dok se kuha.

Ohladite i spremite u hladnjak te potrošite unutar dva do tri dana.

Crni čaj*

Ako očekujete društvo ili želite popiti više od jedne šalice, skuhajte litru vode. 

Dodajte po uputama s pakiranja potrebnu količinu crnog čaja. Ostavite da odstoji tri minute te izvadite vrećice ili procijedite.

Ohladite u hladnjaku.

Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.

Dobar tek,

{You're at the English version}

Hanging out with Singstar was booked on Friday. What kind of hosts and hedonists would we be, and I a food blogger, had we not prepared something for our guests?

My darling wanted to make lemon and dried cranberries muffins, and I peach tea.

I say ‘wanted to’, because with the best of efforts we didn’t manage to cooperate with our oven which’s programs we don’t know since all the numbers on the dashboard have been erased.

Thus the muffins were nice golden brown on the top, and mushy on the bottom. :( They ended up in trash, and we drowned our sorrows in pizza, singing and by strengthening our core from laughing.

Others tried my ice tea, but they barely made to it since I slurped most of it up. 

Peach Ice Tea

Baker's corner
Pour the cool black tea* into a glass and sweeten with the syrup** as much or as little as you’d like.
Decorate the ice tea with slices of lemon or orange, and peaches.
In the end, add a colorful straw and a few ice cubes, and enjoy the refreshing drink.
If you find the drink too strong or too bitter, you can add some cold water.
Peach Syrum**

3 peaches
125 g of sugar
250 ml of water
3 lemons

Finely chop the peaches and add to the water and sugar mix. Cook on medium heat until they soften up completely.

Sift through a very fine sifter. Take your time and be thorough. Don’t forget to scrape the bottom of the sifter.

Add lemon juice to it. If you have organic, untreated lemon, put its zest into the syrup while it’s cooking.

Cool down and put away into the fridge. Make sure you spend it in two to three days.

Black Tea*
If you’re expecting company or want to drink more than one cup, boil one liter of water.

Add the amount of black tea per instructions. Leave it to soak for three minutes, and then take out the bags or sift the leaves.

Cool in the fridge.
Send me your photos at cutieandpieblog@gmail.com 
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,

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