Drobljenac od jabuka i zobi / Apple and oat crumble

{Please scroll down to English version}
Moram vam nešto priznati. Pokleknula sam. Opet...

Kao što već znate, slaba sam na sve male i slatke stvari. Mogli ste skužiti u postu Mini Schwarzwald torticu ili mini zacinjenih kuglofića.

Možete zamisliti moje oduševljenje kad sam u Instersparu naišla na ove preslatke keramičke posudice sa šarenim silikonskim zaštitama. Skroz su mi se učinile zgodnima; svaka osoba dobije svoj desertić, a ne samo dio velikog deserta.

Cijena posudica nije bila velika pa nisam dugo dvoumila. Uzela sam odmah dvije jer u dvoje je sve ljepše, zar ne?
Moja asocijacija je bila mac&cheese ili neki pravi jesenski desert.  Po naslovu ste već sigurno vidjeli tko je pobijedio. :D

Kraljica jeseni je, po mom mišljenju, jabuka. Obožavam jabuke u svim varijantama, od svježe ubrane s grane do komadića jabuka u francuskoj salati.

Statistika govori da se slažete sa mnom jer je post za štrudlu sa jabukama i grizom najčitaniji post. Hvala vam na tome. :)

Ovo je idealan recept ako vam se jede nešto slatko, a ne želite nabaciti koju kilu ili ako dragoj osobi želite pripremiti slatko iznenađenje. Najlakše je kupiti, no dodatni se trud cijeni. ;)

Drobljenac od jabuka i zobi

prilagođen recept od Jamie Olivera

400 g jabuka (cca 3-4 jabuke)
40 g šećera
1 žlica vode
1 štapić cimeta
+ začini (đumbir u prahu, mljeveni anis…)

35 g zobenih pahuljica
30 g brašna
35 g maslaca
20 g lješnjaka
+ smeđeg šećera za posipanje
Zagrijte pećnicu na 190°C.

Ogulite, očistite, raščetvorite i narežite jabuke na kockice. Jabuke ubacite u tavu, prelijte vodom i pospitešećerom.

Kuhajte na laganoj vatri pet minuta. Zatim podijelite jabuke u dvije keramičke posudice za pećnicu te prelijte sokom koji su pustile u tavi.

Pomiješajte brašno i zobene pahuljice te ih zdrobite u mužaru.
Dodajte hladan maslac narezan na kockice. Prstima gniječite maslac u smjesu brašna i zobi dok ne dobijete mrvičastu smjesu.

Dodajte narezane lješnjake i sve promiještajte.
Dobivenu smjesu za drobljenac pospite preko pripremljenih jabuka u posudicama.
Pospite smeđim šećerom preko cijele površine.

Pecite u zagrijanoj pećnici 20 minuta ili dok površina ne poprimi zlatnu boju i postane hrskava.

Poslužite uz kuglu sladoleda od vanilije ili samo uz žlicu.

Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.

Dobar tek,

{You're at the English version}

I have to admit something. I couldn't resist. Again...

As you already know, I'm weak for small and cute stuff. Like you could have seen here:mini Schwarzwald cake or mini bundt cakes. 

You can imagine my excitement when I saw these adorable ceramic pots with colorful silicon safety handles in Interspar. They seemed totally cute; each person gets their own little desert, and not just part of a big one.

The price of the pots wasn't too high so it didn't take me long to make up my mind. I took two because everything's better with some company, right?

My idea was mac & cheese or a real autumn desert. You could have guessed by the title which one won. :D
The queen of autumn, if you ask me, is the apple. I love apples in all variables, from freshly picked off the branch to pieces of it in Olivier salad.

Statistics tell me that you agree with me because the apple and grits strudel is the most visited post. Thank you for that.

This is an ideal recipe if you're in the mood for something sweet, and you don't want to gain a few extra pounds. Or, if you want to prepare this as a sweet surprise for someone you love. The easiest thing is to buy it, but the additional effort is always appreciated. ;)

Apple and Oat Crumble

an adaptation of Jamie Oliver's recipe

400 g of apples(cca 3-4 apples)
40 g of sugar
1 tablespoon of water
1 stick of cinnamon
+ spices(ground ginger, ground anise…)

35 g of oats
30 g of flour
35 g of butter
20 g of hazelnuts
+ brown sugar for topping

Preheat the oven to 190°C.

Peel, quarter and cut the apples into cubes. Put them in a pan, pour water over them and add sugar.

Cook them on low heat for five minutes. Then divide the apples into two ceramic pots and pour over them the juice left over from the cooking.

Mix the flour and the oatmeal and crush them in a grinder.

And cubed cold butter. Press it in the flour and oat mixture with your fingers until you get crumbs.
Add the chopped hazelnuts and mix everything.
Pour the mix over the apples in the pots.
Sprinkle brown sugar over the whole thing.

Bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes or until the surface becomes golden and crumbly.

Serve with a scoop of ice-cream, or just put a spoon next to it.
Send me your photos at cutieandpieblog@gmail.com 
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,

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