Mramorni kuglof s višnjama / Marble Cherry Gugelhupf

{Please scroll down to English version}

Naš smo borić okitili u tirkizno-srebrnoj kombinaciji već kod paljenja prve svijeće. Nije mislio da ozbiljno mislim, kaže: ˝Dosaditi će ti gledati u njega.˝ 

S tom izjavom sam se još više nadurila, onako kao dijete, digla nos i gotovo! 
Meni da će dojaditi lampice i borić? Nikada! Skučen je prostor i dobio je mjesto jedne od stolica za našim stolićem. Usko mu je, vozamo  ga po stanu, no postojan je, lijep i svjetluca. Čak ima i šljokica koje inače ne volim, nimalo.
Fenjeri i žarulje svijetle ispod TVa, a tu je i Snješko sa glavom punom snijega. 
Na zidu oko slika malea su LED-svjetla.
U spavaćoj sobi, u staklenoj teglici lsu ampice.
Na prozorima su saonice s djecom i pahuljice. I naravno, lampice.

Praporci, češeri i crveno srce su na ulaznim vratima. 

Vratimo se na zadanu temu. Ovaj kuglof je jedini koja mama radi, našla ga u jednom posebnom božićnom izdanju nekih novina. Njezin su dodatak višnje, a ja sam to objeručke prihvatila. 

Prošle zime sam ga već pravila za vas, no nisam bila zadovoljna kako je ispao. 
Dobio je drugu priliku i dospio do vas. Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti. :)

Mramorni kuglof s višnjama

5 jaja
250 g šećera
1 vanilin šećer
250 g maslaca + za kalup
500 g brašna + za kalup
1 prašak za pecivo
prstohvat soli
1,75 dl mlijeka

100 g mljevenih lješnjaka
1/2 žlčice cimeta
navrh noža mljevenog klinčića
8 žlica mlijeka

2 žličice kakaa
1 žlica šećera
5 žlica mlijeka

2 žlice jake espresso kave

2 žlice mlijeka
ekstrakt ruma

500 g višanja
200 g čokolade za kuhanje
kandirana narančina korica

Kalup podmažite maslacem i pobrašnite.

Jaja razdvojite u dvije posude.
U posudu sa žumanjcima dodajte šećer i vanilin šećer i pjenasto izradite.
Zatim dodajte mlijeko i kratko još izradite.
Tome dodajte izrađeni omekšali maslac, i prosijano brašno i prašak za pecivo.

Bjelanjke i prstohvat soli izradite u čvrsti snijeg.
Prvo prethodnoj smjesi dodajte malo snijega od bjelanjaka da razbijete gustu smjesu,a zatim dodajte ostatak i polako ukomponirajte bjelanjke.
Pećnicu zagrijte na 175°C.
Smjesu podijelite u četiri jednaka dijela. U svaki dio dodajte gore navedene sastojke i dobro promiješajte.

Žlicom vadite smjesu i sipajte u kalup za kuglof. U svaki red smjese posložite višnje koje ste prethodno uvaljali u brašno, kako ne bi propale kroz smjesu.

Ponavljajte postupak dok ne potrošite smjesu. Čačkalicom za ražnjiće promiještajte malo smjesu kako bi se stvorio mramorni efekt.

Stavite peći u donju polovicu pećnice sat vremena ili dok čačkalica za ražnjić ne izađe suha. Ako vam kuglof uhvati previše boje, prekrijte ga aluminijskom folijom.

Pečeni kuglof ostavite da se ohladi, pa ga izvadite iz kalupa.
Dekorirajte ga otopljenom čokoladom i kandiranom narančinom koricom.

Poslužite uz popodnevni čaj ili punč.

Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na
ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.

Dobar tek,

{You're at the English version}

We decorated our little Christmas tree in a teal-silver combination at the time we lighted the first candle.
He didn't think I was serious, and he said: ''You'll get bored of looking at it.''

I got even more furious when he said that, like a child, and it was done!
Me, to get sick of Christmas lights and the tree? Never! The place is small, and it got its spot instead of one of the chairs for the small dinner table. It's tight, we drag it around the apartment, but it's nice, and it even sparkles. It even has glitter which I hate to the bone.
The lantern and the lights are under the TV, and we also have Mr. Snowman with his head full of snow.
Tiny LED lights sparkle around the picture frames.
In the bedroom we have lights in a glass jar.
There's a sleigh with children and snowflakes on the window. And, of course, more lights.

Bells, pinecones and a red heart are at the doors.

Let's get back on the subject. This gugelhupf is the only one my mom makes, she found it in one special Christmas edition of some magazine. Her addition are the cherries, and I couldn't say no to that.

Last winter I already made it for you, but I wasn't pleased with how it turned out.
It got a second chance and here it is. I hope you will like it. :)

Marble Cherry Gugelhupf

5 eggs
250 g of sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar
250 g of butter + for the mold
500 g of flour + for the mold
a pinch of salt
1,75 dl of milk

1st part
100 g of ground hazelnuts
½ teaspoon of cinnamon
a pinch of ground cloves
8 spoons of milk

2nd part
2 spoons of cocoa
1 spoon of sugar
5 spoons of milk

3rd part
2 spoons of strong espresso coffee

4th part
2 spoons of milk
an extract of rum

500 g of cherries
200 g of chocolate
candied orange zest

Grease up the mold with the butter, and sprinkle with flour.

Separate the eggs into two bowls.
In the bowl with the egg yolks, add the sugar and the vanilla sugar, and mix until frothy.
Add the softened butter, sifted flour and baking powder.

Mix the egg whites and a pinch of salt until stiff.

First add a bit of the egg white mix to the first batch in order to soften the thick mix, and then add in the rest and slowly incorporate it.
Preheat the oven to 175°C.
Divide the mix into four equal parts. Then add the ingredients listed above in each of the part, and mix in well.

Use a spoon to get out the mix and pour it into the gugelhupf mold. Put cherries which you've mixed into flour (so they don't fall in) after every layer.

Repeat the process until you use up all of the four mixes. Use a toothpick to make a marble effect of the mix.

Put into the oven in the bottom rack and bake for an hour or until the toothpick comes out clean. If the gugelhupf becomes golden too soon, cover it with aluminium foil.

Leave the gugelhupf to cool, and then take it out of the mold.
Decorate with melted chocolate and candied orange zest.

Serve with afternoon tea or punch.

Send me your photos at 
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,

3 komentara

  1. Izgleda i zvuci odlicno! Socno i bas prefino!volim kuglofe u svim varijantama i bas uvijek lijepo izgledaju na stolu. Jesu li visnje zaledjene ili iz kompota?

    1. Ovdje sam koristila domaće zamrznute višnje, koje sam naravno prije toga odmrznula. Vjerujem da bi i iz kompota dobro isle, samo da su bez koštica. :-D Hvala na komentaru. <3
