Sharlotka / Russian Apple Cake

{Please scroll down to English version}
Trošak kolača uvijek računam koliko dodatnih troškova ima. 
Imamo domaća jaja od susjede, šećer i brašno se kod nas kupuje na veliko u vrećama, maslac se kupi na sniženju, prašak za pecivo i vanilin šećer uvijek ima još jedan neotvoreni paketić. U tu kategoriju spadaju i kruške, jabuke, maline, kupine, šljive, vinogradske breskve i jagode koje imamo u vlastitom voćnjaku.

To su sastojci za koje se 'ne troše' novci, jer ih uvijek ima u kući. ;)
Tako je bilo u roditeljskoj kući, a i sada je, jer imam sreću da se roditelji brinu da budem zbrinuta i da ne budem gladna.
Tako da je u prošlu nedjelju nakon klasičnog pečenog pileta za ručak, bio i kolač s jabukama koje je mama donijela dan prije. 

Prvo sam bacila pogled kod blogerica koje rado čitam i vrlo brzo kod druge Kitchen Aid ambasadorice, M's Bakery, našla brz i jednostavan recept sa svega pet sastojaka.

Svi su bili oduševljeni u nedjelju, pa sam u ponedjeljak opet pravila i odlučila s vama podijeliti ovu divotu.


po receptu s bloga M's Bakery

6 jabuka
sok pola limuna
3 jaja
170 g šećera
1 vanilin šećer
130 g brašna
1 žličica cimeta
Pećnicu zagrijte na 180°C. 
Dno kalupa promjera 26 cm obložite papirom za pečenje te dno i stranice premažite maslacem.

Jabuke ogulite, očistite i narežite na kockice srednje veličine. Prelijte ih sokom pola limuna da ne pocrne.

Jaja, šećer i vanilin šećer dobro umutite, dok smjesa ne posvijetli i bude pjenasta.
U tu smjesu prosijte brašno i cimet te sjedinite spatulom.
Jabuke prespite u namašćen kalup i malo poravnajte. Preko jabuka prelijte dobivenu smjesu i malo potresite kalup kako bi smjesa prošla kroz prostor između jabuka.
Na kraju spatulom poravnajte gornju površinu.
Stavite peći u zagrijanu pećnicu na otprilike 55 minuta. 

Izvadite i ostavite da se malo ohladi.
Pospite šećerom u prahu. Poslužite toplo ili hladno, uz kuglicu sladoleda burbon vanilije ili bez.
Upozorenje: brzo nestaje! ;)
Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na
ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.

Dobar tek,

{You're at the English version}

I always calculate the cost of the cake by the additional costs it may require.
We have home-raised eggs from our neighbor, we buy sugar and flour in bulks – huge bags, we buy butter on discounts, and there's always an extra, unopened packet of baking powder or vanilla sugar. We put pears, apples, raspberries, blackberries, plums, peaches and strawberries in the same category thanks to our own orchard.

Those are the ingredients which are 'almost free' because there's always some in the house. ;)
That was the case in my parents' house, and now the same case is in our apartment because I'm lucky enough to have parents looking out for me that I'm taken care of and not hungry.
That was the case last Sunday as well. After a roasted chicken for lunch, I served a cake with the apples my mom brought us the day before.

First I took a sneak peek at bloggers I love to follow, and very soon I found a quick and easy recipe with only five ingredients at one of the Kitchen Aid's ambassadors, M's Bakery.
Everyone were thrilled on Sunday with the cake, so I baked another one on Monday and decided to share it with you as well.


adapted from M's Bakery

6 apples
juice of half a lemon
3 eggs
170 g sugar
 1 pack of vanilla sugar
130 g flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Grease both the sides and the bottom of a 26 cm diameter cake tin, and cover it with baking paper.

Clean the apples, peel them and cut them into mid-sized cubes. Pour lemon juice over them so they don't oxidize.

Mix in the eggs, sugar, and vanilla sugar well, until the mix becomes light and fluffy.
Sift in flour and cinnamon into the mix, and incorporate them with a spatula.

Put the apples into the tin and level them out. Pour the mix over the apples and shake the tin a bit so the mix oozes in between the apples.
In the end, level out the surface with a spatula.
Bake in the preheated oven for around 55 minutes.

Take the cake out and leave it to cool a bit.
Sprinkle it with powdered sugar. Serve warm or cool, with a bourbon vanilla ice-cream or without it.

Warning: it will disappear quickly! ;)
Send me your photos at 
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,

4 komentara

  1. isto tak i ja računam a još uleti i nešto povrća iz sestrinog vrta.

  2. Volim ovakve recepte - sve uvijek nekako imaš doma, brzo spraviš, brzo se sladiš. Izvrsno izgleda! Ide u isprobavanje svakako :)

    1. Pravila sam i u gostima ovaj vikend i opet dva dana zaredom, tako da moram upozoriti na taj fenomen sa Sharlotkom. :D
