{Please scroll down to English version}
Svi već znate da sam presretna što sam imala prilike doživjeti iz prve ruke prvu hrvatsku Pop up večeru i to sve od Filipe Sorko, jedne od pobjednica Tri, dva, jedan - peci.
Nakon mog izvještaja s večere i oduševljenja s tortom od bundeve i mrkve, iako inače nisam ljubitelj bundeve, sama Filipa mi se javila i obećala ustupiti svoj recept za tortu.
Što reći, nego iskoristite sezonu i napravite ovu tortu i probajte dio jelovnika dok gledate službene fotografije s večere.
Torta od bundeve i mrkve s kremom od sira i vanilije
2 jaja
225 g pirea od muškatne bundeve
200 g šećera
120 ml suncokretovog ulja
1 žlica 'pumpkin pie'* začina
2 žličice ekstrakta od vanilije
1 žličica cimeta u prahu
1/2 žličice klinčića u prahu
80 g naribane mrkve
130 g brašna
1 prašak za pecivo
prstohvat soli
sitno sjeckani prženi lješnjaci
komadići tamne čokolade
Zagrijte pećnicu na 180°C. Namastite okrugli kalup za torte promjera 20 cm.
U velikoj posudi pomiješajte jaja, pire od bundeve, šećer, ulje, 'pumpkin pie' začin, vaniliju, cimet i klinčić te dobro promiješajte.
Dodajte naribanu mrkvu i sjedinite.
U to dodajte brašno, prašak za pecivo i sol. Na kraju umiješajte lješnjake i čokoladu.
Uspite smjesu u kalup i pecite oko 45 minuta. Zadnjih 10-ak minuta pokrijte sa alumijiskom folijom da ne bi previše posmeđilo.
Provjerite zabadanjem čačkalice je li gotovo.
200 g krem-sira
100 g maslaca sobne temperature
180 g šećera u prahu (ili po ukusu)
1 mahuna vanilije
malo soli
U veliku zdjelu stavite krem sir i maslac i miksajte oko dvije minute.
Dodajte prosijani šećer u prahu do željene slatkoće, te sol. Nastavite miksati još oko dvije minute.
Kada se biskvit ohladi, na njega namažite kremu. Ukrasite raznim suhim voćem, domaćom granolom, lješnjacima ili orasima.
Kolač je još bolji sutradan. Može stajati u hladnjaku i do tjedan dana, no sumnjam da će toliko izdržati.
Filipa kaže da 'pumpkin pie' začin pravi na sljedeći način:
3 žlice mljevenog cimeta
2 žličice mljevenog đumbira
2 žličice mljevenog muškatnog oraščića
1 1/2 žličice mljevenog klinčića
Fotografije: Tomislav Šilovinac & Josip Bilić
Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.
After my dinner report, and my excitement about Filipa's pumpkin and carrot cake (even though I'm not a fan of pumpkin), Filipa promised to let me in on her recipe.
I smiled from ear to ear, and I could hardly wait for the first moment of spare time so I can share her recipe with you.
What else to say than – use the season's gifts and make this cake! Try a part of the menu while you sneak a peek at the official photographs from the dinner.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease up a cake tin 20 cm in diameter.
In a big bowl mix up eggs, pumpkin pure, sugar, oil, 'pumpkin pie' spices, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, and mix well.
After that, add flour, baking powder and salt. In the end, incorporate hazelnuts and chocolate.
Put it in the tin and bake for about 45 minutes. Cover with aluminium foil the last 10 minutes so the sponge doesn't become too brown.
Put the cream cheese and the butter into a big bowl and mix on high speed for about two minutes
Add the sifted sugar (as much as you want), and salt. Keep on mixing for an additional two minutes.
Once the sponge cools down, spread the cream onto it. Decorate with dry fruit, home-made granola, hazelnuts or walnuts.
The cake is even better the next day. It can sit in the fridge for about a week, but I doubt it will last that long.
3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.
Dobar tek,
{You're at the English version}
all already know that I was thrilled to have been able to experience
the first Croatian Pop-up dinner by Filipa Sorko first-hand. Filipa was
one of the winners of a Croatian cooking show Tri, dva, jedan – peci
(Three, two, one – bake).
After my dinner report, and my excitement about Filipa's pumpkin and carrot cake (even though I'm not a fan of pumpkin), Filipa promised to let me in on her recipe.
What else to say than – use the season's gifts and make this cake! Try a part of the menu while you sneak a peek at the official photographs from the dinner.
Pumpkin carrot cake with vanilla cream cheese frosting
2 eggs
225 g pumpkin pure (butternut)
200 g sugar
120 ml sunflower oil
1 spoon of 'pumpkin pie' spice*
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon of ground cloves
80 g shredded carrot
130 g flour
1 packet of baking powder
a pinch of salt
finely chopped toasted hazelnuts
chunks of dark chocolate
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease up a cake tin 20 cm in diameter.
In a big bowl mix up eggs, pumpkin pure, sugar, oil, 'pumpkin pie' spices, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, and mix well.
Add the shredded carrot and continue mixing.
After that, add flour, baking powder and salt. In the end, incorporate hazelnuts and chocolate.
Put it in the tin and bake for about 45 minutes. Cover with aluminium foil the last 10 minutes so the sponge doesn't become too brown.
Check with a toothpick if it's done.
200 g cream cheese
100 g room temperature butter
180 g of powdered sugar (or as much or as little as you wish)
1 vanilla bean
a pinch of salt
Put the cream cheese and the butter into a big bowl and mix on high speed for about two minutes
Add the sifted sugar (as much as you want), and salt. Keep on mixing for an additional two minutes.
Once the sponge cools down, spread the cream onto it. Decorate with dry fruit, home-made granola, hazelnuts or walnuts.
The cake is even better the next day. It can sit in the fridge for about a week, but I doubt it will last that long.
3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons ground nutmeg
1 ½ teaspoons ground cloves
Photos by Tomislav Šilovinac & Josip Bilić
Send me your photos at cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
Send me your photos at cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,
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