{Please scroll down to English version}
Kod nas advent ne počinje prvom nedjeljom adventa koja je danas, nego pečenjem prve (dvostruke) ture medenjaka. Miris obuzme cijelu kuću, dekica je tu, a i zimski čaj sa začinima.
Volim to doba godine kada dušu ugrijemo lijepom riječju, dobrim djelima ili toplim napitkom i dekicom uz knjigu ili najdraži Love actually.
U predblagdansko vrijeme najveća je gužva kod nas u kuhinji. Zasučemo rukave i bacimo se na posao. Glazba svira, razgovaramo, smijemo se, a divni se mirisi šire iz pećnice kroz cijelu kuću. Može li bolje?
Moj plan za blog ove godine je da Vam za svaku nedjelju adventa poklonim jedan recept i ideju za jestive poklone kojima možete obradovati svoje najdraže. Jer bolje od poklona, su samo jestivi pokloni, zar ne? ;)
Slušam božićnu playlistu i jedem medenjake dok vam pišem ovaj post.
Pečat keksi
100 g maslaca, sobne temperature
100 g šećera
1 paketić vanilin šećera
1 jaje
250 g brašna
Srce keksi
+30 g kakaa za kolače
1/4 žličice anisa
Home made from heart
+30 g speculatius začina
Tome dodajte jaje i izradite.
Postupno dodajte prosijano brašno i izradite dok se brašno ne ukomponira u smjesu.
Možete se poslužiti rukama i umijesiti malo.
Ovisno za koju varijantu se odlučite, začine i/ili kakao možete dodati u brašno i zajedno prosijati i dodavati.
Napravila sam dvostruku smjesu te u jednu dodala kakao i anis, a u drugu speculatius začin.
Dobiveno tijesto dobro zamotajte u prijanjajuću foliju i ostavite barem* jedan sat u hladnjaku.
Pećnicu zagrijte na 170° C.
Tijesto izvadite iz hladnjaka i razvaljajte između dva komada masnog papira na debljinu pola centimetra te zatim utisnite pečat u njih. Ako si želite pomoći da lakše izrežete okrugle oblike, pomognite si rubom čaše ili okruglim izrezivačem.
Kekse poredajte bez suvišnog razmaka na masni papir i pecite u zagrijanoj pećnici cca 10 minuta dok se lagano ne zarumene. Pazite samo da vam ne uhvate, jer će biti pretvrdi, a kakao keksi gorki.
Nakon što ih izvadite iz pećnice, prebacite ih s papirom za pečenje na rešetku da se ohlade.
Ohlađene kekse spremite u limene kutije i čuvajte dok ih ne pojedete.
Ili budite nesebični, zapakirajte kekse u celofan, kao što sam ja prošle godine Čizmicu za Sv. Nikolu i poklonite dragoj osobi.
Vjerujte mi da će se obradovati ovim keksima izrađenim od srca puno više nego kupovnim. Ne samo u predblagdansko vrijeme, nego i tijekom godine.
*Možete i unaprijed napraviti, pa zamrznuti, samo vodite računa da na vrijeme izvadite da se stigne odmrznuti i da bude podatno.
{You're at the English version}
At our house, the advent doesn't begin with the first Sunday in December, which is today, but with baking of the first (double) serving of
honey cakes. The smell engulfs the entire house, you grab a blanket, and a spiced winter tea.
I love that time of the year when we warm someone's heart with a kind word, good deeds, or a warm beverage and a blanket next to a book or the all-time favorite Love Actually.
In this festive holiday time, the biggest rush in our house is in the kitchen. We roll up the sleeves and get down to work. The music's playing, we're talking, we're laughing, and the wonderful smells spread throughout the whole house. Can it get better?
My idea for the blog this year is to give you on each advent Sunday one recipe and an idea for edible treats you can make to make your loved ones happy. Because the only thing better than presents are edible presents, right? ;)
I'm listening to a Christmas playlist and eating honey cakes while I'm writing this post for you.
100 g of butter, room temperature
100 g of sugar
1 pack of vanilla sugar
1 egg
250 g of flour
Heart Cookies
+30 g cocoa
1/4 teaspoon of anise
Home Made From Heart
+50 g of speculoos spices

Stamp Cookies
100 g of butter, room temperature
100 g of sugar
1 pack of vanilla sugar
1 egg
250 g of flour
Heart Cookies
+30 g cocoa
1/4 teaspoon of anise
Home Made From Heart
+50 g of speculoos spices

Mix in well the softened butter, sugar and vanilla sugar until it gets light in color.
Add the egg to it and mix some more.
Gradually add the sifted flour and work the mix until it becomes a homogeneous mass.
You can also use your hands and knead the dough for a bit.
Depending on what you decide, you can add the spices and/or the cocoa into the flour, sift it all together, and gradually add it to the mix.
I made a double batter and added the cocoa and anise into one of the, and the speculoos spice into the other.
Wrap the dough into the cling foil and leave at least* for an hour in the fridge.
Preheat the oven to 170°C.
Take the dough out of the fridge and spread to a thickness of half a centimeter it between two sheets of baking paper. Then press the stamp into them. If you want to make it easy for yourself to cut circular shapes, help yourself with a glass or a round cookie cutter.
Put the cookies on a piece of baking paper and bake in the preheated oven for around 10 minutes until they get a light color. Be careful not to overbake them because they will be too hard, and the cocoa cookies too bitter.
After you take them out of the oven, transfer them together with the baking paper onto a grill so they can cool.
Put the cooled cookies into tin boxes and save them until you eat them.
Or, be selfless and pack the cookies into cellophane, like I did last year with St. Nicholas Boots (English version coming soon!), and give it to a dear person.
Trust me, they will be more pleased with these cookies made with heart a lot more than with the ones you bought from the store. Not just in the holiday time, but throughout the year.
*You can make the dough in advance, and then freeze it. Just keep in mind to get it out of the freezer on time so it can defrost and be easy to work with.
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,
Save recept! Nabavila i ja pecate! :) :) Samo od posta mi sve vec mirisi!
OdgovoriIzbrišiOvih dana ih ima na sve strane. Prošle godine kada sam ih naručilvala, je bilo preko nekog grupnog popusta. I muku sam mučila dok sam dobila. :D
IzbrišiJavi kakav je rezultat i pošalji i fotkicu. ;) <3