Instapost #5

{Please scroll down to English version}

Dani, tjedni i mjeseci brzo lete i ovaj način posta dođe mi kao dobar podsjetnik gdje sam bila i što sam radila.

Zadnji mjesec proletio je još brže jer sam krenula s radom na stručnom osposobljavanju. Tako da će moja sljedeća godina biti u znaku rada, učenja i (pokušaju) organiziranja svih aspekata mog života.

Ako imate bilo kakav savjet iz prve ruke, slobodno mi pišite. ;)

Zasad je moja glavna okupacija kao pravom ljubitelju hrane – što jesti. :D

Odnosno, priprema što nositi na posao za ručak i užinu jer pokušavam jesti zdravije i skinuti koji kilogram. Koncept je proteini + povrće, a za užinu rižini keksi ili voće. Opskrbila sam se čajevima.
Da ne duljim, evo pregled (čokoladnog) mjeseca u fotografijama.

Voljela bih da mi stavite link svog Instagram profila u komentare. ;) 

Alarm za drugi radni dan. :D
Jesen. :)

Jesen pod cipelama. <3

Subota je dan za duže spavanje i doručak u krevet. 

Rođendansko darivanje je završeno. Ime dobitnice na blogu. 😉 A za sve vas je tu super-čokoladni recept za Brownies od @joka031
Rosalia u društvu muffina.

Keksi s iznenađenjem i čokoladno mlijeko su spremni za nadolazeće hladnije dane. ;)

Prvi put rezbarenje. Prepoznajete ga? :)

Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.

Dobar tek,

{You're at the English version}

Days, weeks and months are flying by, so this post comes in handy as a good reminder of where I've been and what I was doing.

This past month flew by even quicker because I started working as an intern. This means that my following year will be all bout work, studying and organizing (or at least trying to) all aspects of my life.

If you have any first-hand advice about it, feel free to write. ;)
For now my main preoccupation is, like any foodie's – what to eat. :D

Or, to be precise, what to carry for lunch and snack time at work because I'm trying to eat healthier and lose a few kilograms.

The concept is proteins + vegetables, and for snack rice cookies or fruit. I'm also stocked on tea.
To keep this post short, here is an overview of (a chocolate) October in pictures.

I would like you to share your Instagram profile in the comments below. ;)

Alarm for second work day.

Autumn. :)

My treat for you for my 1st Blog-Birthday is a Super-Chocolate tart and birthday giveaway. ;)

Autumn under my shoes.
Saturday is for sleeping in and breakfast in bed. <3
Super-simple and super-chocolate brownies by Josip for the end of the birthday giveaway.

Rosalia in good company with muffins.
Cookies with a sweet suptrise and Chocolate Milk will serve you well for the upcoming cool days.

My 1st pumpkin carving. Do you recognize him? :)

Send me your photos at 
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,

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