Čokoladni tartufi s cherryem / Chocolate Truffles with Cherry Schnapps

{Please scroll down to English version}

Čokoladni ganache je savršenstvo! Taj magični trenutak kada obična čokolada postane tekuća čokoladna divota je...Mmm. Svaki put hipnotizirano gledam u to i uranjam prst unutra. 

Još kada tu dodate i kiselost malina i 'kick' višnjevače, može li bolje, pitam vas? ;)
Pogotovo u ovo vrijeme blagdana, odabiranja idealnih poklona za najbliže, balansiranje sa obavezama i božićnim sajmovima i čim sve ne? 
Shedonistana je simpatičan blog koji pratim i rado slinim nad fotografijama slastica, a ovo je došlo idealno za isprobavanje praha od maline koji se kao što već vidite, pretvorio u grumenje. Da ne duljim...

Čokoladni tartufi s cherryjem

prilagođeno s bloga Shedonistana

300 g tamne čokolade
180 ml slatkog vrhnja
3 žlice višnjevače
1 žlica maslaca

Čokoladu narežite i prelijte uzavrelim slatkim vrhnjem. 
Ostavite jednu minutu i onda miješajte spatulom dok se čokolada skroz ne otopi. 

Postupno dodajte komadiće maslaca dok se ne sjedini sa čokoladom. 
Zatim dodajte višnjevaču, promiještajte i probajte. 

Ako će i djeca jesti, višnjevaču izostavite. 

Poklopite i ostavite u hladnjaku na nekoliko sati ili najbolje preko noći. 
Žličicom vadite dio smjese. 
Ruke namočite u toplu vodu i pravite kuglice. 
Kuglice uvaljajte u prosijani kakao ili dehidrirani prah maline te stavite na masni papir.
Možete uvaljati i u mljevene/sjeckane orašaste plodove, kokosovo brašno... 

Do serviranja držite u hladnjaku u zaklopljenoj posudi. 

Najbolja varijanta je da ih umotate u celofan ili posložite u ukrasnu kutiju s divnom porukicom te darivate svoje najdraže. 
Ili nekome kome čokolada i alkohol ne bi škodio. ;)
Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.

Dobar tek,

{You're at the English version}

Chocolate ganache is perfection! That magical moment when regular chocolate becomes liquid is wonderful... Mmm. Each time the process hypnotizes me and I can't help but dip my finger in it.

And when you add the savory taste of red raspberries and a 'kick' from cherry schnapps – can it get better than that, I ask you? ;)
Especially in the time of holidays, picking ideal presents for your closest ones, balancing out tasks with Christmas fares and what not?

Shedonistana is a very cute blog I like to follow and droll over the pictures of sweets, and this came in handy for trying out red raspberry powder which, as you can see, turned into pebbles. To make the long story short...

Chocolate Truffles with Cherry Schnapps

adapted from Shedonistana

300 g of dark chocolate
180 ml of whipping cream
3 spoons of cherry schnapps
1 spoon of butter
dehydrated red raspberry powder or cocoa

Cut the chocolate and pour boiling whipping cream over it.
Leave for one minute and then mix it with a spatula until the chocolate fully melts.

Slowly add pieces of butter until it unifies with the chocolate.
Then add the schnapps, mix and try.

If children are going to eat it as well, leave out the schnapps.

Put a lid over it and leave in the fridge for a few hours, best overnight.
Use a spoon to take from the mix.
Wet your hands in warm water and make little balls.
Roll the balls into sifted cocoa or dehydrated red raspberry powder, and put it on a piece of baking paper.
You can also roll them in ground/chopped nuts, coconut flour...

Keep in a closed box until serving.

The best option is to wrap them up in cellophane or arrange them nicely in a gift box with a lovely message for your loved ones.
Or give it to someone who could use some chocolate and alcohol. ;)

Send me your photos at cutieandpieblog@gmail.com 

or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,

4 komentara

  1. ..hej, izgleda predivnoo i ukusno..mozes li mi samo reci gdje mogu nabaviti dehidrirani prah maline?

    1. Hvala ti, Gordana. :) Oprosti, zaboravih napisati.
      Iz Harisse iz Zagreba, evo link. ;)

  2. ova varijanta s dehidriranim prahom maline izgleda tako efektno,a mogu mislit kako je tek fino ;D
